of the 18th International Jan Edmund Jurkowski Memorial Guitar Competition


  1. The 18th International Jan Edmund Jurkowski Memorial Guitar Competition, hereinafter referred to as the “Competition”, is held as a part of the 18th International Festival “Silesian Guitar Autumn” in Tychy from 25th to 30th October 2022.
  2. The organiser of the Competition is the Municipal Culture Centre in Tychy, with the registered office at 26 Bohaterów Warszawy, 43-100 Tychy, Poland.
  3. The Competition website address is


The Competition is open to all guitarists (soloists) regardless of age, education, and country of residence.


  1. Both statutory and extra-statutory prizes will be awarded in the Competition.
  2. The following statutory prizes will be awarded in the Competition:
    1. 1st prize – 5.000 EURO
    2. 2nd prize – 2.500 EURO
    3. 3rd prize – 1.000 EURO
  3. The Jury has the right to declare a different distribution of prizes, provided that the first prize remains indivisible.
  4. The decisions of the Jury are final and are not subject to appeal.
  5. The winners of all awards are named Laureates.
  6. The award tax is paid by the organiser of the Competition.


  1. To enter the Competition one must:

(a) Register via the Competition website, within the deadline of 31st August 2022, and provide the following data in the form:

  • personal data (name, nationality, year of birth, country of residence, name of school / college, teacher, year of Education),
  • the programme selected for the Preliminary Round, the Second Round and The Final Round of the Competition,
  • a photo of the participant in electronic form (300 dpi resolution, JPG, PNG, or PDF format) to be included in the “Silesian Guitar Autumn” festival catalogue,
  • an artistic bio in English or Polish, up to 1000 characters with spaces,
  • the proof of payment of the entry fee,
  • A link to a nonpublic video, for the Jury’s adjudication in the Preliminary Round of the Competition, posted on the participant’s YouTube channel. The recording shall comply with the guidelines set out in paragraph V of the Regulations.

(b) Pay an entry fee of 60 EURO.

The entry fee must be paid by 31st August 2022 into the organiser’s account. Payment recipient: Miejskie Centrum Kultury w Tychach

Address: Bohaterów Warszawy 26, 43-100 Tychy

Account number: 44 1240 1330 1111 0010 7505 0767 (Bank Pekao S. A.)

IBAN: PL44 1240 1330 1111 0010 7505 0767


Transfer title: “name of the participant – Guitar Competition”     

  1. The entry fee is non-refundable.
  2. The participants selected for the Second Round of the Competition are granted entries to concerts and all events within the 18th International Festival “Silesian Guitar Autumn”.
  3. All participants of the Second Round of the Competition are required to register at the organiser’s office (the Tychy Hotel, Jana Pawła II 10, 43-100 Tychy) on 24th October 2022 from 12.00-18.00 Polish time. In case of delays related to travel or other random incidents preventing the participant from appearing at the organiser’s office within the specified time, the participant is obliged to inform the organiser before this time.
  4. The organiser will not reimburse for the cost of the journey, accommodation, or board of the participants of the Second Round and the Final Round of the Competition, or of their accompanying persons. The organiser will provide transfer to Tychy from the airports in Krakow, Wroclaw, and Katowice.
  5. Accommodation and meals are available at extra charge. Upon the request of the participant selected for the Second Round, the organiser will provide accommodation with breakfast in a double room, and board (lunch and dinner) in the Tychy Hotel.
    The accommodation charge must be paid in person at the Tychy Hotel at the check-in.
    The request for paid accommodation and board must be submitted by 28th September 2022 by e-mail to
  6. Participants of the Competition should hold medical insurance for the duration of their stay in Poland in connection with the participation in the Competition.
  7. An unexcused absence of the Competition participant within the dates and times of auditions scheduled on the basis of draw will be equivalent to disqualification.
  8. The winners of the Competition will take part in the Concert of the Laureates free of charge. The winners will receive prizes awarded in the Competition during the Final Concert. The absence of the winner from the Final concert is tantamount to the renunciation of the award.
  9. Application for participation means acceptance of the Regulations.


  1. The video recording to be adjudicated by the Jury in the Preliminary Round of the Competition must meet the following requirements:
  • be unedited and made in one take,
  • show both hands and the participant’s face,
  • be filmed with the Festival logo visible, as it will be shared by the organiser on the Festival website,
  • the quality of the video and sound must be adequate for the judges to make an informed decision.
  1. The video submitted for the Preliminary Round of the Competition may not be publicly available on the Internet.
  2. The programme of recording in the Preliminary Round of the Competition:
  • One part of the Sonata selected for the Second Round of the Competition
  • Free programme
    Duration: 10-15 minutes

    4. Sharing of the video submitted to the Preliminary Round of the Competition
    The organiser shall ensure the protection against access of third parties to the shared recordings in terms of making the links sent by the participants available only to the members of the Competition Jury for adjudication.
  1. In case of withdrawal of the participant selected for the Second Round from participation in the Competition, the organiser reserves the right to supplement the list of the Second Round participants with another person from the list, according to the results of the Preliminary Round.


  • Preliminary Round:

The recording mentioned in paragraph V (1) of the Regulations shall be subject to the adjudication of the Jury in the Preliminary Round

The programme of recording in the Preliminary Round of the Competition:

  1. One part of the Sonata selected for the Second Round of the Competition
  2. Free programme
    Duration: 10-15 minutes
  • Second Round:
    The Second Round of the Competition will have no more than 24 participants selected in the Preliminary Round.
    Qualification for participation in the Second Round with the exemption from participation in the Preliminary Round is granted to:
  • The winner of the first prize of the International Guitar Competition in Szeged in 2019 (20. Szeged IGF 2019)
  • The winner of the first prize in the second age group of the 20th Czesław Droździewicz’ International Guitar Competition in Krynica-Zdrój in 2020
  • The winner of the Baltic Guitar Days International Guitar Competition in Szczecin in 2022
  • The winner of the first prize in the second age group of the Joaquin Rodrigo International Guitar Competition in Olsztyn in 2022

Second Round programme:

  1. Sonata originally composed for the guitar in the 20th or 21st century.
  2. Free programme
    Duration: 30-35 minutes.
    The programme of the Preliminary Round of the Competition may be repeated in the Second Round.
    The entire programme must be played from memory.
    At the request of the Jury, the participant must present the sheet music for the performed work.
    If the participant exceeds the time limit for presentation, the chairman of the Jury may interrupt the performance.
  • Final Round
    The Final Round of the Competition will have no more than 6 participants selected from the participants of the Second Round.
    Final programme:
    One of the following concertos for the guitar and orchestra:
    Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco – Concerto No. 1 in D Major, Op. 99
    Joaquín Rodrigo – Concierto de Aranjuez
    The entire programme must be played from memory.


  1. Schedule of the Competition.
    31st August 2022 – deadline for the Preliminary Round application submission
    1st-17th September 2022 – the Preliminary Round of the Competition – adjudication of the Competition entries
    19th September 2022 – publication of the list of participants of the Second Round on the Competition website
    19th September 2022 – draws for the running order of auditions in the Second Round of the Competition
    25th-27th October 2022 – the Second Round auditions
    27th October 2022 – the Second Round results announcement and draws for the running order of auditions during the Final Round evening concert
    28th -29th October 2022 – rehearsals with an orchestra for the participants of the Competition Final Round
    30th October 2022 – final auditions and selection of winners
    30th October 2022 – Competition results announcement, concert of the winners


  1. The participants of the Competition will be adjudicated by an international  Jury, appointed by the organising director of the festival, consisting of:
  • The Preliminary and the Second Round Jury of the Competition
    Marcin Dylla – president, Beata Będkowska-Huang, József Eötvös, Martin Krajčo, Thomas Offermann, Petr Saidl, Roman Viazovskiy.
  • The The Final Round Jury of the Competition
    The Preliminary and the Second Round Jury of the Competition along with Mak Grgić, Jérémy Jouve, Adam Del Monte

    2. Performances will be adjudicated on a scale of 1-25 points. Before calculating the average score of the participant in a given round, the highest and lowest scores are discarded from the calculation.
    3. When deciding on the distribution of prizes, the Jury takes into account the participant’s score from the Final Round.
    4. The basis for Jury deliberations are these Regulations.
    5. A Jury member does not judge their students.
    6. All decisions of the Jury are taken upon the majority of its members’ votes.


  1. The competition participant approves of:
    a. the audio and visual recording of their artistic performance during the Second and Final Rounds of the Competition to be made, and transfers all property rights to these performances to the organiser,
    b. the audio and visual recording of their image, statements, and interviews given during the Second and Final Rounds of the Competition to be made, and transfers to the organiser all property rights to these statements and interviews, as well as authorises the distribution of their image recorded in connection with participation in the Competition,
    c. the use of their artistic performances, interviews, statements, and their image, both taken as a whole and in any selected parts, in order to make adaptations, abstracts, alterations, and translations. The participant declares that such a use of them will not be considered an infringement of their personal rights; the participant also grants leave to mark the artistic performances, statements, interviews and image mentioned in points A and B with their name and surname.
  2. Moreover, each participant:
    a. transfers to the organiser the exclusive right to exercise dependent copyright in relation to the works mentioned in point 1(b) above, without any temporal and territorial reservations, particularly, the right to authorise the disposition and use of derivative works, including translations into other languages;
    b. authorises the organiser to exercise their personal rights related to the works and artistic performances mentioned in points 1(a) and 1(b) above, and undertakes that they will not exercise their personal rights in a way which restricts the organiser in exercising the rights acquired in accordance with this paragraph of the Regulations.
  3. The transfer and granting of rights (including authorisations) specified in points 1 and 2 of this paragraph is unlimited in time and territory and covers all fields of operation known at the time of publication of these Regulations, in particular:
    a. any recording and duplicating (including storing in the memory of a computer or another device), reproducing by any method; including: printing, reprography, magnetic, mechanical, optical, electronic or other, by analog or digital technologies, in any system or format; on any media; including: audio, video or audiovisual, paper or similar media, photosensitive, magnetic, optical, disks, memory chips, computer media and other storage media and memory, uploading, downloading, digitising, use in a multimedia work,
    b. any trading in the original or copies produced in accordance with the point 3(a) above – putting them on the market, renting, leasing, lending,
    c. any other manner of dissemination, including:
    I. live broadcast and any broadcasting, reissue and internet sharing;
    II. any public release allowing everyone access to the objects covered by these rights at a place and time of their choice;
    III. any kind of public display, performance, exhibit, replaying;
    d. translations
  4. The transfer and granting of the rights (including authorisations) mentioned in this paragraph shall take place upon the establishment of artistic performances, statements or interviews and shall be free of charge.
  5. With respect to the rights acquired under these Regulations, the organiser has full authorization to transfer them to other entities, grant licences or grant further authorizations. The participant is not entitled to additional remuneration based on the above.

Administrator of personal data

  1. Administrator of personal data
    The administrator of the personal data of the Competition participants is the Municipal Culture Centre in Tychy, at Bohaterów Warszawy 26, 43-100 Tychy, Poland. Contact:
    Tel. No. +48 32 438 20 60, e-mail:
  2. Data Protection Officer
    In matters regarding the protection of personal data, one may contact the Data Protection Officer appointed by the director of the Municipal Culture Centre in Tychy. Contact:
  1. Purposes of data processing and legal basis of thereof
    The personal data of the Competition participants will be processed for the purposes of organising, conducting, adjudication, and reporting the Competition.

    Personal data processing is necessary for the performance of the task executed by the Municipal Culture Centre in the public interest, which consists in organising cultural events in accordance with the provisions of the act of 25th October 1991 on organising and conducting cultural activities (DZ. U. [Journal of Laws] of 2020 item 194).

    Personal data will be processed under Article 6  section 1  item e of the regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Union (EU) 2016/679 of 27th April 2016  on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC, hereinafter referred to as the GDPR, and subsequently on the basis of art. 6 section 1 item e of GRPR in connection with the provisions of the above-mentioned laws in cases where the provisions of the law of 14the July 1983 on the national archival resource and archives (i.e. Dz. U. [Journal of Laws] of 2020 r. item 164) requires so.
  1. Recipients of personal data
    The personal data included in the form will be disclosed to the members of the Competition Jury for the purpose of conducting and adjudicating the Competition. In addition, they will be disclosed to entities with which the Municipal Culture Centre has concluded a contract for the provision of services for information systems (including the website used in their processing.
  1. Personal Data Retention Period
    The personal data of the Competition participants will be stored for the period necessary to fulfil the purpose for which they were collected, i.e. the organisation of the 18th edition of the Competition and the preparation of the documentation summarising the Competition, i.e. the final report, and also – in cases where required by the provisions of the act of 14th July 1983 on the national archival resource and archives (i.e. Dz. U. [Journal of Laws] of 2020 r. item 164) – for a period of 25 years.
  1. Rights related to data processing
    In accordance with the GDPR, the participant is entitled to:
    a. the right to access and receive copies of their data
    b. the right to rectify (correct) their data if they are incorrect or outdated, as well as the right to delete them, in the event that the processing of data does not take place in order to comply with an obligation arising from a legal provision or in the exercise of Public Authority;
    c. the right to restrict or object to data processing;
    d. the right to file a complaint with the president of the Office for Personal Data Protection (Urząd Ochrony Danych Osobowych at Stawki 2, 00-193 Warsaw);
  2. Information on data requirement
    Provision of personal data by the participant is voluntary, but it is necessary to carry out the necessary legalities regarding the participation in the Competition.


  1. Inmatters not settled by Regulations, the provisions of Polish law shall apply.
  2. Failure to comply with the terms of the rules is tantamount to disqualification of the participant.
  3. Any doubts concerning the provisions of these Regulations will be settled on the basis of the Polish text.
  4. All legal disputes shall be settled by the court having jurisdiction locally for the registered office of the organiser.