XVI Silesian Guitar Autumn // Śląska Jesień Gitarowa // 2016 – memories

Autumn colors and the phenomenon of Silesian Guitar Autumn – listen to the best sounds from concerts in 2016 and bilingual words of outstanding guests: Marcin Błażewicz, Alina Gruszka, Marcin Dylla, Marek Nosal, Rolf Lislevand, Andrea Devitis, Piotr Domagała, Miguel Czachowski, Avaneendra Sheolikar, Jan Jakub Bokun, Jakub Kościuszko, Piotr Aleksander Nowak.

Service work in progress

We’re waiting for next Silesian Guitar Autumn Festival in October 2022. Now we’re working on our website in order to provide you all the information needed on time.We hope you’ll wait for it with patience so we will soon enjoy that amazing guitar mucis event in Tychy!

World premiere!

We’re honoured to present the effects of cooperation of two awesome artists connected with Silesian Guitar Autumn! Today Marek Pasieczny presents “Surrus” for two guitars performed with Marek Nosal, Artistic Director of Silesian Guitar Autumn Festival. “Susurrus” is available on YouTube channel of Marek Pasieczny as well as all major music platforms. SUSURRUS for two[…]